Winter in Sapmi
There is something special about winter in Finnish Lapland. A thick layer of snow transforms the landscape into a minimalist painting. Shapes of dead trees stand out, reindeer move like tiny dots across the landscape. Even animals become minimalist black and white creatures, the willow grouse for example. Because the days are so short, every ray of sunshine feels like a much appreciated gift. The harsh cold keeps you awake, life at it essence, at the limit of death.

Summer in Sapmi
For three years in a row, I’ve traveled to the subarctic wilderness, drawn by the solitude and natural beauty. I feel a bit like a migratory bird, returning north each summer. It’s not just the landscapes and wildlife that captivate me; the cultural atmosphere is equally compelling. Sadly, this region faces serious threats from climate change. Each time I visit, I feel incredibly fortunate to witness these landscapes and species, and I sincerely hope that future generations will still have the same opportunity to experience the breathtaking beauty of the North.

The first time I went to Finland was in August 2021, when I started my first master's year at the University of Oulu. With the beautiful nature on my doorstep, I took my photography to the next level. The memories of the mysterious dark forests, peaceful lakes and vast marshes have kept me coming back for years!

Black and wild
Where colour can distract from the essence, black-and-white photographs are to the point and raw. From pure emotions (such as in the picture of the orca) to dramatic contrasts in landscapes, black-and-white pictures capture it perfectly. Or just for minimalism: black versus white. I am a fan!

Moved by nature
Photography is -for me- not only about registering animals and landscapes or natural beauty. Being outside, surrounded by nature, is an experience in itself. These moments move me, and using long shutter speeds allows me to attempt to capture these feelings in a picture.

The bird of paradise from the city
Starlings are one of the most common birds in Europe. When I was in Berlin during the autumn of 2018, I looked closely at these birds. I was amazed by the amazing metallic colors. The whole weekend, I only took pictures of starlings. I started to call starlings "the birds of paradise from the city". Years later, I heard of a large flock of starlings dancing near their roost. Their behavior fascinates me. Each winter, I hope to be a spectator again of this masterful piece of theatre.

Sunrises or sunsets are my favorite moment of the day. It are when darkness and light come together. Light tries to push the darkness away and vice versa. Birds start to sing, or animals fall asleep. It is these contrasts that appeal to me: dark versus light, sound versus silence. By underexposing my pictures, I try to save moments from this fleeting world that lasts only a few tens of minutes...

Wild Belgium
Although known for its chocolate, fries, and beer, Belgium has much more to offer than these delicacies. Indeed, Belgium doesn't have vast nature reserves like Scandinavia or pointy mountain peaks like the Alps. But Belgium is a patchwork of little nature reserves, each with its beauty. Take the Kalmthoutse Heide, for example. Under the smoke of the Harbour of Antwerp, I started experimenting with photography in these heathlands. More to the east in Belgium, only three hours by train from Ghent, we find the High Fenns, a plateau with mysterious mires and silent forests. A place where you escape from the rat race in the city. A place where you connect with the beauty of silence. And Belgium has much more to offer. This page is a homage to the country where my passion started...

The essence
By using a white background in my pictures, I am to highlight the true essence of the subject, shape, and color. There is no distraction by a background but a no-nonsense registration of nature's beauty.

Mountains command respect and bring you back down to earth. Climbing mountains is also a rewarding thing to do. Standing in frond of a steep slope sometimes makes you doubt your own abilities, but once your are on top of a mountain it reveals its true beauty.

As a graduate ecologist, I like to participate in all sorts of research projects. In 2022, I joined a team led by Vojtech Kubelka to study the behavioral ecology of dotterels in Utsjoki, and in 2024, I worked as a research assistant for Oulu University in a project focussing on ruffs and dunlin. In addition, I participate voluntarily in monitoring projects such as the yearly hibernating bat count in Belgium.

Sealtainn is the Gaelic name for the Shetland Islands, an archipelago northeast of Scotland. It was the destination of my first solo trip. I was 19 years old. This trip was an eye-opener. I still cherish the solitude, dramatic cliffs, bleek treeless landscapes and stunning bird observations in my memories. Hopefully, I can return one day to this stunning place...